About Us

Western HiFi is the result of more than three decades of experience that our two partners have in the high-end audio world as enthusiasts and in distribution. Our partners have been at this pursuit for more years that they care to admit, however their enthusiasm for music systems is as fresh as it was when they acquired their first hifi components.

We are centrally located in the USA, in Texas, and only sell what we have in stock in our warehouse. Customer service as well as product service are also based in the USA, so you can be confident in the support behind your purchase.

We strive to represent companies, brands, and products which exemplify the very best value and work cohesively to play music. The manufacturers that we partner with are ones that we are proud to represent, due to the care and passion that they put into their products.

Our products, from Europe and Asia, are ones that we use ourselves in our systems, and we won't represent anything otherwise. Our work is to help bring our passion for music reproduction to you in your quest for the same.

If we can be of any help with information, questions, or consultation, feel free to contact us.